5,200+ Clients
Since 1989
Serving All of CA: Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, Sacramento, Etc.
Speak with a live agent: (949) 709-5998
Our team at TermLyf.com is here to help. Some of our clients like to figure things out on their own, but others want help every step of the way. We can assist you with:
- Calculating HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE you need
- Applying with the carrier that has the BEST VALUE and fastest underwriting queue
- Shopping for a carrier with NO MEDICAL EXAM required (when possible)
- Looking for a carrier that will make an offer to our clients that HAVE MEDICAL CONDITIONS
" If you are happy with our service, the greatest gift you could give us is letting others know about TermLyf.com "
Apply online today for term life insurance. It's easy and takes just minutes to apply.
Start an online application
We have a ton of resources, including forms you may need, FAQ's, Small Business, Estate Planning and much more.
Our Resources Page has advanced information
Some of our clients would rather print out a hard copy application, and that is ok with us! Instructions on where to send in the application is on the cover page. Contact us and we will email you the applications.
Contact Us for a Hard Copy Application